Finds from the Grind - Sunny Lap and a Half

My last sunny ride of 2016 was a few laps around the Rose Bowl on December 14th. Usually, my off-season consists of doing nothing on the bike for 2 months, but I decided to change things up last year. After taking a month off for travel and just not even thinking about the bike, I made the next 6 weeks what I call "maintenance mode." That consisted of three days a week of hour long sessions, instead of my usual 6 days a week. At only 49 miles a week, it was also only 40% of the mileage. In addition, it was all low cadence, low heartrate. Basically strength training on a bike. But sometimes I had a little speedy bit of fun with some of the regulars around the Rose Bowl loop.

This particular day was the 2nd to last day of riding before the Christmas and New Year's travel and holiday season. I figured I'd take video this day instead of the last day because it was going to rain. And it rained, so my foresight on recording when it was still sunny paid off.